Christians who lack zeal and passion for Lord, usually lack wisdom and understanding of the true God of the Bible. When one comes to know the God according to the Scriptures, their passion to proclaim His name and love for Him will sky rocket. Good theology is so important in a Christians walk. Bad theology is so dangerous because it creates false converts as well as lead belivers into false worship and idolatry.
Theology and Doxology
Theology- The study of God
As believers we are all called to be and are theologians. The question is... Are we good or bad theologians? Is our faith built on sound theology?
Doxology- An expression of praise to God
We all praise God. The question is… Are we praising as a result of hearing truth?
Sound biblical teaching and theology should lead one to express real, spirit filled praise to God.
Theology that never leads to doxology is dead orthodoxy.
In other words, if theology and teaching doesn’t lead one to express praise to the Lord, then their faith is pretty much dead.
Also, doxology that is produced from bad theology is a form of idolatry.
This occurs when one’s praise to God is produced as a result of bad theology. Therefore one is not praising the true God of the Bible but is praising a god they have created from bad teaching.
I am so thankful to have been freed from the bondage of bad theology and have come to know the true God of the Bible. As a result of sound theology I have fallen more and more in love with the Lord. The more I come to knowledge of the true God according to the scriptures the stronger my love for Him burns! The deeper I understand His attributes, the more I want to praise Him! The more I come to know the depth of His completed work on the cross, the more I want to serve Him!
Good theology is so important in a Christians walk. It is crucial in being able to put on the full armor of God and stand against the enemy’s attacks. It also leads to true expressions of praise and desire to serve the Lord. Let's thank God for the sound biblical doctrine and teachings we have in our church.
Let’s continue to pray as well as patiently teach believers who have fallen under bad teaching and theology. The enemy uses this bad theology to feed believers with lies, create divisions, create idolatry and things of the flesh, keep believers oppressed, keep them weak, hinder their growth and make them ineffective in service to the Lord. Let’s pray against these attacks on the body of Christ.
We must also never lose hold of the truths God has given us. We must keep them close to our hearts as God continues to give us discernment against bad teaching. May we apply what Paul wrote to Timothy to all of us-
2 Timothy 3:13-15 13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
Most importantly- Let’s also pray for and patiently teach those who as a result of bad theology have never been brought to true repentance and faith. They are stuck under lies and bad teachings that take away from the finished work of Jesus Christ. This bad theology has given them a false hope of salvation. Let’s pray that their eyes are hearts are opened and they receive the true Gospel.
I take comfort in knowing salvation is fully of the Lord. He knows who His children are before the foundations of the earth. He will reveal His truth to all those who are called to be part of His family. However, we must also do our part in accordance to what the Bible tells us....
Pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17)
Continue to cast our nets so Christ can fill them (John 21:6)
Make disciples (Matt 28:19-20)
Patiently preach and teach (2 Tim 4:2)
Pray for God to fill us with His Spirit so we can boldly speak His word (Acts 4:31)
Plant and water seeds while trusting in God for the increase (1 Corn 3:6)
Not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God to save (Romans 1:16)
We should be so encouraged in knowing that we understand the truth! By His grace, God has given us knowledge of His Scriptures! Let’s not keep what he has taught us and allowed us to understand to ourselves. We have to continue to use it to bring Him glory! The sound doctrine we have should continue to fuel us to want to reach and teach the lost! God has given us this knowledge and understanding for a reason. We are equipped to seek the lost as well as build up the body of Christ. Let's continue to speak truth to the lost as well as patiently teach our confused brothers and sisters who lack understanding.